Saturday, July 17, 2010

Art 8

Something I quite like are table-top role-play games, like Dungeons&Dragons, World of Darkness, etc. At the start of June I picked up a World of Darkness core rule book, and flipping through that afforded me a bit of inspiration, and I came up with a couple sketches. I have dodgy phone camera pictures, but can't upload them at the moment. One sketch contains tentacles, the other contains zombies, or possibly ghouls.

Somewhere along the way I downloaded a program for making 3D shapes. I haven't explored it much yet - finding it a bit intimidating. It was the same with gimp at first - something with a layout that I was entirely unused to. Presumably I'll get the hang of it eventually though... I'm thinking this will probably be most useful for making things for Second Life. Or I could get a 3D printer!

Hm, what else... Still working on various pictures on the computer. The tree one, and the Blue Foundation one, and now another. This will be for a texture I'll import into Second Life, for a kind of grating thing.

Second Life! Have a made an entry yet about that? Second Life is an MMO, sort of. Or possibly a virtual interactive social environment, I dunno. It's a thing where you make an avatar and do stuff. There's a bit of role-playing, but I haven't really explored that side of it - I'm thinking my 'net connection probably isn't steady enough to really handle any combat-based rpg's, which are, frankly, the only kind I'm really interested in. As for what kind of stuff people do do there - it really depends on the person. I have a friend who hosts live DJing events - that seems fairly popular, but my connection isn't always up to it. I have another friend who gives tarot readings, and a couple others who build things. For myself- I guess it's another creative outlet for me. It's fun making different avatars, and building exotic structures and things. There's some really beautiful 3D art on Second Life - forests and castles and mountains and caves and stuff, as well as cities and things. I think I'd appreciate a few more treasure-hunt style things. There's a couple I've done before - kind of passive mazes runs and stuff - but there's potential for a lot more. Maybe there's not enough money in it, I dunno. Yep, there's certainly money on SL - it always reminds me of that song by the Hilltop Hoods - "Come sit with me honey, I got half a mil in Monopoly money". It's fun, anyway.

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