Friday, September 3, 2010

Art 21

Went on holiday a few days ago! I planned to do sketches of some scenery, things like that. The plan FAILED. Exploring stuff was just too distracting :D Took lots of photos though - there was a lot of public art in some of the towns we drove through, and we also ended up with a lot of pictures of fields, roads, and rocks. Rocks are interesting.

We also visited a cave with a spooky story attached to it. It was dusk, on a grey day, the birds were suspiciously silent... we did get a little creepy. Darkness is still frightening on some level - a bit of my subconcious worries there are leopards lurking in it. Twas Mulka's cave, and contains a lot of ancient aboriginal rock art. I think it's been dated at about three or four thousand years? I kept worrying, not just about mysteriously Australian leopards, but about brushing against the walls and ruining something.
Apparently it's referred to by some people as Bate's cave, but all the signs we saw (and the people we talked to) said Mulka's cave.
Anyway, aside from the hand-prints, the art was a bit hard to see, and to photograph. Haven't gone through the photos yet, but will upload ones I think give a fairly decent portrayal (hopefully at least one or two!).
Some links:
An example of the legend(s) surrounding the cave here and here.
Some archaelogical stuff about the art here. And an interesting discussion about public access to archaelogical sites here, with a highlight on Mulka's cave - it references this article (which makes me feel guilty).

In other news, I have resumed work on the cryptomnesia piece.
The painting of the elephant+ I did the other day - I showed it to my sister, who pointed out what needed fixing. Very useful, having someone around who knows how to look at things in the "right" way.

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