Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Xmas '10

Yaay! I like Xmas.* The rushed shopping, the insane light displays, the Deep Ones** music... I love it all. We have a genuine tree this year, made from real tree, and stuck in a bucket of mud. I spilled some of the mud while moving the bucket (with the tree already in it, of course) and the splash resembled the image of a Mandelbrot set.
* - Which I refer to as thus because of Futurama. "Christmas? Oh, you mean Xmas!"
** - Not to forget the Old Ones.

The splash.

Mandelbrot set. Image generated by the gimp fractal explorer.

Pretty cool, huh? Holy fractal holidays, Batman!

                 Is this jolly?

1 comment:

  1. an artificial tree is always best. happy holidays.


